Our St. Louis LocksmithsMore Than 100 Years of Combined Experience

Kevin GrubbOwner & Locksmith
- Born in Danville, Illinois
- Attended Bismarck High School
- Married and has 2 children
- He has been a locksmith for 35 years

Mike HaleService Manager
- Born in St. Louis, Missouri
- Attended Oakville High School
- The father of 4 children
- He has been a locksmith for 35 years

Russ SechrestLocksmith
- Born in Birch Tree, Missouri
- Attended Kirkwood High school
- Married with a daughter
- He's been a locksmith for 25 years

Kyle GrubbLocksmith
- Born in Houston, Texas
- Attended Francis Howell Central High School
- Married and has 2 daughters
- He has been a locksmith for 16 years

Tom HildebrandLocksmith
- Born in St. Louis, Missouri
- Attended McCluer North High School
- He has been a locksmith for 8 years